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North Korea Flag

The Meaning and Design of the North Korean Flag

Historical Context

The national flag of North Korea was adopted on September 9, 1948, after the establishment of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. It replaced the previous flag used during the Soviet occupation.


The flag consists of three horizontal bands: a wide red central band, flanked by two narrow white stripes, and two blue stripes at the top and bottom.

Central Red Band

The red band represents the socialist revolution and the fighting spirit of the North Korean people. It is also a symbol of prosperity and happiness.

White Stripes

The thin white stripes signify purity and peace. They represent the desire for unity and reunification of the Korean Peninsula.

Blue Stripes

The blue stripes symbolize the sky, the sea, and the Korean people's determination to defend their sovereignty.

Off-centered Emblem

In the center of the red band is a white disk with a red five-pointed star inside. The star represents the leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea, while the disk symbolizes the unity of the Korean people under the party's guidance.


The colors of the North Korean flag have specific meanings: * **Red:** Represents the bloodshed in the fight for independence and the socialist revolution. * **White:** Symbolizes purity, peace, and national unity. * **Blue:** Represents the sky, the sea, and the people's determination. The flag of North Korea is a symbol of the country's political ideology, its history, and its aspirations for a unified and prosperous future.
